
About Me

This site is pretty old. One day it'll get updated. One day.

Hi there! Thanks for taking an interest in my work. I'm a web designer/web developer hybrid and like building nifty things with Ruby. I work with Haml, Sass, and Compass, love digging through analytics, creating interfaces, building applications, and eating cupcakes.

When I'm not working I enjoy learning languages. I speak English and Spanish fluently and I'm working on Italian. I enjoy music and play classical and a little jazz on the piano. I also love to travel with my wife and daughter. Our favorite spot is on the beaches of Ecuador, sitting in a hammock, under the shade and drinking out of a coconut.


Infographic - Bermon Painter is a hybrid Web Designer and Web Developer with skills in HTML, CSS, jQuery, Photoshop, Ruby on Rails, PHP, GIT and Google Analytics

If you're looking for more details you can download the full resume (pdf)

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So. Much. Spam. I'll fix this whenever it becomes a priority.
